
Baptism symbolises the end of your old life and the start of your new life with Jesus!

Baptism symbolises the end of your old life and the start of your new life with Jesus!

But it’s far more than symbolism as we believe God is deeply at work in you as you enter and come up out of the water, as you’re baptised into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You are also getting baptised into a new community the family of God. We welcome anyone to be baptised who has begun this new life with Jesus and who has begun regularly attending one of our Sunday onsite gatherings.

Upcoming Dates:
21 July 2024 — All Locations
24 November 2024 — All Locations

Next Steps

If you’d like to find out more about getting baptised, or would like your infant to be baptised or dedicated, get in touch with us and our team can help you take the next steps!

If you have questions, just send us an email!

Thinking of getting baptised?