We are a community compelled by a Jesus-centered vision to be 'Light for the city & beyond'. We believe that one encounter with God can completely transform everything. Our church is all about empowering people to gather and scatter. We gather to worship and pray, to open God's word, to be transformed by His presence. And then we scatter as compassionate followers of Jesus to be light-bearers, peace-makers, joy-bringers, and city-shapers wherever God sends us. We want to see our city and beyond experience the love and power of God. 

Our Values

  • Expectant

Believing God can do the impossible.
(Luke 1:37)

  • Generous

Giving our best away. 
(Proverbs 11:24-25)

  • Alive

Living lives of hope, freedom and joy.
(John 10:1, Romans 15:13, Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 2:4-5)

  • Real

Authentic in every way. 
(2 Corinthians 12: 9-10, Psalm 51:17)

Our story so far